NWG Scholars has created designated student scholarship funds to help students in need. Your donation to one or many of these funds will go directly towards supporting the “designation”, or focused area – so you help the cause you stand behind, whether it’s helping minorities or K-3 children attain education. Your donation will go towards helping the groups of people in need you wish to help the most.
Designated Funds:
- Early Start Scholarship Fund (supporting K-3rd grade)
- La Alianza Scholarship Fund (supporting Hispanic students)
- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship Fund (supporting African-American students)
- Middle Passage Scholarship Fund (supporting 6th-8th grade)
- Peach State Scholarship Fund (supporting 9th-12th grade)
If the above funds do not suit your wishes, we will create a designated fund for you.
An investment in a NWG Scholars scholarship provides you the unique knowledge that you are investing in human potential. Just like when you make any other financial investment, you will receive annual reports on the “return on your investment.”
The impact this investment is making on the life of the student will be communicated to you in two ways. First, we encourage all students to express their gratitude to the specific donor of the scholarship they receive by writing thank you letters. These are processed through NWG Scholars Program so that we may protect your privacy. Second, you will be given an opportunity to meet the student’s (and their parents) that your gift supports at our annual scholarship dinner, so that you may learn more about your scholarship recipients.
We pledge to be good stewards of your generosity, and we hope you will agree that these steps accomplish that.